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The TreeTrace_spruce database contains images and measurements of 100 Norway spruce logs from Northeastern France, each about 4.5 meters long. The image database includes RGB images of large and small ends of the logs, hyperspectral and computed tomography (CT) images of wood discs sampled at both log ends. The 100 logs were also fully X-ray scanned with a CT device for roundwoods and their top surface was scanned with a terrestrial LiDAR device. The measurements performed on discs include wood local density, growth ring widths and pith location.
A harmonized, comprehensive meteorological time series for 78 German intensive forest monitoring plots (Level II) has been made available from 1961-2019. The used hybrid spatial interpolation routine using simple linear regression and inverse distance weighting allows for gap-filling of missing data and also for extrapolation outside measurement period to analyze long-term effects of climate on forest ecosystems.
The different silvicultural guides written by experts from the French National Forests Office were built using growth and yield model simulations. This database gather various usual dendrometric data extracted from those simulations and used to assess carbon storage in managed public forest stands. Special attention was paid to offer carbon metrics required for the French Label Bas Carbone offset projects.
The TreeTrace_Douglas database includes images and measurements at several steps of the processing of Douglas fir logs from the sawmill logyard to the machine grading and destructive testing of boards. A total of 52 long logs, 156 short logs, 208 wood discs and 346 boards were analysed. The image data includes RGB images of log ends and board ends, RGB images and CT slices of strips, a set of images of the boards (RGB, laser and X-rays) obtained with an industrial board grading machine. The measurements include wood local density, growth ring widths, pith and board location in the logs, heartwood and sapwood areas, mechanical properties of each board obtained by vibratory and static testing, and visual grading of the boards.
This dataset includes data from forest soil surveys conducted in the period 2000-2020. It provides soil and stand variables from 8 269 locations. Data are aggregated in three basic soil layers: upper organic soil horizon (FH), upper mineral layer (0-30 cm) and deeper mineral soil layer (30-80 cm).