TreeTrace_spruce: Traceability and quality assessment of Norway spruce (Picea abies) logs
The TreeTrace_spruce database contains images and measurements of 100 Norway spruce logs from Northeastern France, each about 4.5 meters long. The image database includes RGB images of large and small ends of the logs, hyperspectral and computed tomography (CT) images of wood discs sampled at both log ends. The 100 logs were also fully X-ray scanned with a CT device for roundwoods and their top surface was scanned with a terrestrial LiDAR device.
The measurements performed on discs include wood local density, growth ring widths and pith location.
- Date ( Création )
- 2022-10-13
- Forme de la présentation
- Numeric tables and images
- But
- The dataset was created within the frame of the TreeTrace project funded by ANR (ANR-17-CE10-0016) to provide data for assessing wood quality and traceability of logs based on cross-section images.
- Etat
- Completed
- Mots clés ( Thème )
- Image analysis/RGB images/Computed tomography/Picea abies/Wood density/Growth ring width/Terrestrial LiDAR
- Mots clés ( Localisation )
- France
- Mots clés ( Discipline )
- Wood quality
- Limitation d'utilisation
- null
- Contraintes d'accès
- Autres restrictions
- Langue
- English
- Date de début
- 2018-01-01
- Date de fin
- 2022-06-30
Etendue verticale
- Espace de nommage
- Version
- 7.4
- Format (encodage)
- Ressource en ligne
- TreeTrace_spruce database
- Ressource en ligne
Original File Metadata
Original File Metadata
- Niveau
- Jeu de données
- Identifiant de la fiche
- cffee2f1-18e1-4b53-9f5b-6cc4c66f1cb8 XML
- Langue
- eng
- Jeu de caractères
- Utf8
- Type de ressource
- Jeu de données
- Date des métadonnées
- 2023-01-23T11:09:26
- Nom du standard de métadonnées
- ISO 19115:2003/19139
- Version du standard de métadonnées
- 1.0
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